H&M |
Ring H&M (H&M):
638 70 000
Haba |
Ring Sprell (Haba):
Habitat |
Ring Session (Habitat):
47 20 20 51
Send e-post
til Session (Habitat)
Habo |
Ring Jernia (Habo):
Hadeland Glassverk |
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Hadeland Glassverk):
922 69 430
Hagerty |
Ring Gullfunn (Hagerty):
94 02 05 67
Send e-post
til Gullfunn (Hagerty)
Ring Jernia (Hagerty):
Haglöfs |
Ring Anton Sport (Haglöfs):
51 21 20 80
Haibike |
Ring Anton Sport (Haibike):
51 21 20 80
Hailo |
Ring Jernia (Hailo):
Hair & There |
Ring Hair & There (Hair & There):
51 96 01 20
Send e-post
til Hair & There (Hair & There)
Hairtalk |
Ring Hair & There (Hairtalk):
51 96 01 20
Send e-post
til Hair & There (Hairtalk)
Halvor Bakke |
Ring Feel (Halvor Bakke):
21 05 30 19
Send e-post
til Feel (Halvor Bakke)
Ring Jernia (Halvor Bakke):
Hamax |
Ring Anton Sport (Hamax):
51 21 20 80
Hammarplast |
Ring Jernia (Hammarplast):
Hammerite |
Ring Jernia (Hammerite):
Hanne Sørvaag by Pan Jewelry |
Ring Gullfunn (Hanne Sørvaag by Pan Jewelry):
94 02 05 67
Send e-post
til Gullfunn (Hanne Sørvaag by Pan Jewelry)
Hansa |
Ring Obs (Hansa):
51 96 37 00
Send e-post
til Obs (Hansa)
Hanskmaker`n |
Ring Morris (Hanskmaker`n):
403 07 806
Send e-post
til Morris (Hanskmaker`n)
HappyNorwegian |
Ring Anton Sport (HappyNorwegian):
51 21 20 80
Happysweeds |
Ring Katharina (Happysweeds):
92 23 51 92
Send e-post
til Katharina (Happysweeds)
Hardanger Bestikk |
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Hardanger Bestikk):
922 69 430
Ring Jernia (Hardanger Bestikk):
Ring Tilbords (Hardanger Bestikk):
919 23 093
Haribo |
Ring Normal (Haribo):
408 10 206
Harman Kardon |
Ring Telenorbutikken (Harman Kardon):
482 45 775
Send e-post
til Telenorbutikken (Harman Kardon)
Ring Telia (Harman Kardon):
51 63 13 22
Send e-post
til Telia (Harman Kardon)
Harmoni |
Ring VITA (Harmoni):
51 96 07 35
Send e-post
til VITA (Harmoni)
Havaianas |
Ring Anton Sport (Havaianas):
51 21 20 80
Hay |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Hay):
Head |
Ring Anton Sport (Head):
51 21 20 80
Head & Shoulders |
Ring Normal (Head & Shoulders):
408 10 206
Headgreen |
Ring Din Sko (Headgreen):
51 96 02 45
Send e-post
til Din Sko (Headgreen)
Heavenly by Schøttinger |
Ring Amundsen Spesial (Heavenly by Schøttinger):
459 66 340
Send e-post
til Amundsen Spesial (Heavenly by Schøttinger)
Ring Anton Sport (HEIMPLANET):
51 21 20 80
Heldre |
Ring Sport Outlet (Heldre):
477 91 471
Helena Rubinstein |
Ring Fredrik & Louisa (Helena Rubinstein):
51 22 18 50
Send e-post
til Fredrik & Louisa (Helena Rubinstein)
Ring Koch Parfymeri (Helena Rubinstein):
51 88 40 70
Send e-post
til Koch Parfymeri (Helena Rubinstein)
Helios |
Ring Life (Helios):
903 64 266
Send e-post
til Life (Helios)
Helsport |
Ring Anton Sport (Helsport):
51 21 20 80
Henry Choice |
Ring Boys of Europe (Henry Choice):
52 90 05 50
Send e-post
til Boys of Europe (Henry Choice)
Herdins |
Ring Jernia (Herdins):
Heritage |
Ring Brilleland (Heritage):
51 96 02 02
Send e-post
til Brilleland (Heritage)
Hermès |
Ring Kicks (Hermès):
33 22 12 24
Send e-post
til Kicks (Hermès)
Ring Koch Parfymeri (Hermès):
51 88 40 70
Send e-post
til Koch Parfymeri (Hermès)
Herstal |
Ring Christiania Belysning (Herstal):
47 77 93 77
Send e-post
til Christiania Belysning (Herstal)
Ring Lampehuset (Herstal):
Hestra |
Ring Anton Sport (Hestra):
51 21 20 80
Ring Volt (Hestra):
55 21 93 18
Hevea |
Ring Sprell (Hevea):
Heymat |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Heymat):
HH Simonsen |
Ring Hair & There (HH Simonsen):
51 96 01 20
Send e-post
til Hair & There (HH Simonsen)
High Jewelry by Thune |
Ring Thune (High Jewelry by Thune):
Hill's |
Ring Pets (Hill's):
905 90 479
Send e-post
til Pets (Hill's)
Hip |
Ring Kitch'n (Hip):
51 96 01 75
Send e-post
til Kitch'n (Hip)
Hjerter |
Ring Aseco Gull & Sølv (Hjerter):
479 77 920
Ring Anton Sport (HOKA ONE ONE):
51 21 20 80
Holle |
Ring Life (Holle):
903 64 266
Send e-post
til Life (Holle)
Holli Mølle |
Ring Jordbærpikene (Holli Mølle):
403 09 129
Ring Life (Holli Mølle):
903 64 266
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til Life (Holli Mølle)
Ring Sunkost (Holli Mølle):
Send e-post
til Sunkost (Holli Mølle)
Holm |
Ring Jernia (Holm):
Holmegaard |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Holmegaard):
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Holmegaard):
922 69 430
Ring Jernia (Holmegaard):
Ring Kitch'n (Holmegaard):
51 96 01 75
Send e-post
til Kitch'n (Holmegaard)
Ring Tilbords (Holmegaard):
919 23 093
Holmen |
Ring Feel (Holmen):
21 05 30 19
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til Feel (Holmen)
Holzweiler |
Ring Capone & Mrs Capone (Holzweiler):
51 96 06 00
Send e-post
til Capone & Mrs Capone (Holzweiler)
Hoptimist |
Ring Kitch'n (Hoptimist):
51 96 01 75
Send e-post
til Kitch'n (Hoptimist)
Ring Tilbords (Hoptimist):
919 23 093
House Doctor |
Ring Christiania Belysning (House Doctor):
47 77 93 77
Send e-post
til Christiania Belysning (House Doctor)
House of Hygge |
Ring Anton Sport (House of Hygge):
51 21 20 80
House of Janic & Carlo |
Ring Katharina (House of Janic & Carlo):
92 23 51 92
Send e-post
til Katharina (House of Janic & Carlo)
Houseguard |
Ring Jernia (Houseguard):
HP |
Ring Elkjøp Phonehouse (HP):
95 33 55 94
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til Elkjøp Phonehouse (HP)
Huawei |
Ring Elkjøp Phonehouse (Huawei):
95 33 55 94
Send e-post
til Elkjøp Phonehouse (Huawei)
Ring Telenorbutikken (Huawei):
482 45 775
Send e-post
til Telenorbutikken (Huawei)
Ring Telia (Huawei):
51 63 13 22
Send e-post
til Telia (Huawei)
Huf |
Ring Session (Huf):
47 20 20 51
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til Session (Huf)
Huggies |
Ring Normal (Huggies):
408 10 206
Hugo Boss |
Ring Brilleland (Hugo Boss):
51 96 02 02
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til Brilleland (Hugo Boss)
Ring Fredrik & Louisa (Hugo Boss):
51 22 18 50
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til Fredrik & Louisa (Hugo Boss)
Ring Geddon Male (Hugo Boss):
51 96 05 55
Ring Kicks (Hugo Boss):
33 22 12 24
Send e-post
til Kicks (Hugo Boss)
Huldresølv |
Ring Aseco Gull & Sølv (Huldresølv):
479 77 920
Hultafors |
Ring Jernia (Hultafors):
HuMan |
Ring Normal (HuMan):
408 10 206
Human Scales |
Ring Carlings (Human Scales):
55 21 91 81
Ring Volt (Human Scales):
55 21 93 18
Humble brush |
Ring Life (Humble brush):
903 64 266
Send e-post
til Life (Humble brush)
Humdakin |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Humdakin):
Hummel |
Ring Anton Sport (Hummel):
51 21 20 80
Ring Brando Kids (Hummel):
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til Brando Kids (Hummel)
Ring Mani (Hummel):
459 55 454
Ring Obs (Hummel):
51 96 37 00
Send e-post
til Obs (Hummel)
Hunter |
Ring Fontana (Hunter):
51 96 08 35
Send e-post
til Fontana (Hunter)
Hurra |
Ring Life (Hurra):
903 64 266
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til Life (Hurra)
Hydro Flask |
Ring Anton Sport (Hydro Flask):
51 21 20 80
HyperX |
Ring Elkjøp Phonehouse (HyperX):
95 33 55 94
Send e-post
til Elkjøp Phonehouse (HyperX)
Högl |
Ring Skoringen (Högl):
21 07 90 10
Høgl |
Ring Mani (Høgl):
459 55 454
Ice Watch |
Ring Bjørklund (Ice Watch):
48 86 20 33
Icebreaker |
Ring Anton Sport (Icebreaker):
51 21 20 80
Icecrust |
Ring Jernia (Icecrust):
Ichi |
Ring b.young (Ichi):
940 00 359
Send e-post
til b.young (Ichi)
Iconic |
Ring dna (Iconic):
48 10 68 56
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til dna (Iconic)
Icraft |
Ring Jernia (Icraft):
ID |
Ring Hair & There (ID):
51 96 01 20
Send e-post
til Hair & There (ID)
Ideal |
Ring Telenorbutikken (Ideal):
482 45 775
Send e-post
til Telenorbutikken (Ideal)
iDeal of Sweden |
Ring Bjørklund (iDeal of Sweden):
48 86 20 33
Ring Clas Ohlson (iDeal of Sweden):
23 21 40 00
Send e-post
til Clas Ohlson (iDeal of Sweden)
Ring Telia (iDeal of Sweden):
51 63 13 22
Send e-post
til Telia (iDeal of Sweden)
Identity by Thune |
Ring Thune (Identity by Thune):
IDUN Minerals |
Ring Vitusapotek (IDUN Minerals):
51 67 79 48
Ring Jernia (IGT):
Iittala |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Iittala):
Ring Kitch'n (Iittala):
51 96 01 75
Send e-post
til Kitch'n (Iittala)
Ring Tilbords (Iittala):
919 23 093
Ilse Jacobsen |
Ring Mani (Ilse Jacobsen):
459 55 454
iMac |
Ring Mani (iMac):
459 55 454
Immiflex |
Ring Life (Immiflex):
903 64 266
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til Life (Immiflex)
In Style |
Ring Brilleland (In Style):
51 96 02 02
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til Brilleland (In Style)
IN2 |
Ring Eurosko (IN2):
48 06 95 27
Send e-post
til Eurosko (IN2)
Incase |
Ring Eplehuset (Incase):
73 20 24 00
Send e-post
til Eplehuset (Incase)
Independent |
Ring Session (Independent):
47 20 20 51
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til Session (Independent)
Inecto |
Ring Normal (Inecto):
408 10 206
Inex |
Ring Bjørklund (Inex):
48 86 20 33
Infinite Discs |
Ring Anton Sport (Infinite Discs):
51 21 20 80
Innova |
Ring Anton Sport (Innova):
51 21 20 80
Interflora |
Ring Floriss (Interflora):
51 96 04 35
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til Floriss (Interflora)
Intex |
Ring Match (Intex):
52 90 05 60
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til Match (Intex)
Intimate by Change |
Ring Change Lingerie (Intimate by Change):
51 63 20 07
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til Change Lingerie (Intimate by Change)
Invite |
Ring Jernia (Invite):
Ironside |
Ring Jernia (Ironside):
Isadoro |
Ring VITA (Isadoro):
51 96 07 35
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til VITA (Isadoro)
Isekk |
Ring Jernia (Isekk):
Isi |
Ring Jernia (Isi):
Isplasteret |
Ring Anton Sport (Isplasteret):
51 21 20 80
Issey Miyake |
Ring Kicks (Issey Miyake):
33 22 12 24
Send e-post
til Kicks (Issey Miyake)
Ittala |
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Ittala):
922 69 430
Ivi Aya |
Ring Normal (Ivi Aya):
408 10 206
IWhite |
Ring Vitusapotek (IWhite):
51 67 79 48
iZettle |
Ring Eplehuset (iZettle):
73 20 24 00
Send e-post
til Eplehuset (iZettle)
Izipizi |
Ring Sprell (Izipizi):
J. Market |
Ring Junkyard (J. Market):
J.Lindeberg |
Ring Anton Sport (J.Lindeberg):
51 21 20 80
Ring Høyer (J.Lindeberg):
Ring Volt (J.Lindeberg):
55 21 93 18
Jack & Jones |
Ring Jack & Jones (Jack & Jones):
Jack & Jones Junior |
Ring Brando Kids (Jack & Jones Junior):
Send e-post
til Brando Kids (Jack & Jones Junior)
Jamie Oliver |
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Jamie Oliver):
922 69 430
Janne Formoe by Pan Jewelry |
Ring Gullfunn (Janne Formoe by Pan Jewelry):
94 02 05 67
Send e-post
til Gullfunn (Janne Formoe by Pan Jewelry)
JanThomas |
Ring Apotek 1 (JanThomas):
51 63 51 50
Send e-post
til Apotek 1 (JanThomas)
Jason |
Ring Life (Jason):
903 64 266
Send e-post
til Life (Jason)
Jason Aloe Vera |
Ring Sunkost (Jason Aloe Vera):
Send e-post
til Sunkost (Jason Aloe Vera)
Jazz |
Ring Studio Mote (Jazz):
474 59 343
Send e-post
til Studio Mote (Jazz)
Ring Elkjøp Phonehouse (JBL):
95 33 55 94
Send e-post
til Elkjøp Phonehouse (JBL)
Ring Kjell & Company (JBL):
695 20 914
Ring Telenorbutikken (JBL):
482 45 775
Send e-post
til Telenorbutikken (JBL)
Ring Telia (JBL):
51 63 13 22
Send e-post
til Telia (JBL)
Je Joue |
Ring Kondomeriet (Je Joue):
51 96 04 70
Send e-post
til Kondomeriet (Je Joue)
Jean Paul |
Ring Boys of Europe (Jean Paul):
52 90 05 50
Send e-post
til Boys of Europe (Jean Paul)
Jean Paul Femme |
Ring Match (Jean Paul Femme):
52 90 05 60
Send e-post
til Match (Jean Paul Femme)
Jean Paul Gaultier |
Ring Kicks (Jean Paul Gaultier):
33 22 12 24
Send e-post
til Kicks (Jean Paul Gaultier)
Ring Koch Parfymeri (Jean Paul Gaultier):
51 88 40 70
Send e-post
til Koch Parfymeri (Jean Paul Gaultier)
Jenny |
Ring Mani (Jenny):
459 55 454
Jessup |
Ring Session (Jessup):
47 20 20 51
Send e-post
til Session (Jessup)
Jette Frölich |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Jette Frölich):
Jif |
Ring Normal (Jif):
408 10 206
Jim Rickey |
Ring Capone & Mrs Capone (Jim Rickey):
51 96 06 00
Send e-post
til Capone & Mrs Capone (Jim Rickey)
Jimmy Choo |
Ring VITA (Jimmy Choo):
51 96 07 35
Send e-post
til VITA (Jimmy Choo)
Johaug |
Ring Anton Sport (Johaug):
51 21 20 80
John Frieda |
Ring VITA (John Frieda):
51 96 07 35
Send e-post
til VITA (John Frieda)
Johnson&Johnson |
Ring Specsavers (Johnson&Johnson):
51 22 05 50
Send e-post
til Specsavers (Johnson&Johnson)
Joico |
Ring Hair & There (Joico):
51 96 01 20
Send e-post
til Hair & There (Joico)
Jonas of sweden |
Ring Jernia (Jonas of sweden):
Jonathan Adler |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Jonathan Adler):
Jones Snowboards |
Ring Session (Jones Snowboards):
47 20 20 51
Send e-post
til Session (Jones Snowboards)
Jopen |
Ring Kondomeriet (Jopen):
51 96 04 70
Send e-post
til Kondomeriet (Jopen)
Jordan |
Ring Jernia (Jordan):
Jordbærpikene |
Ring Jordbærpikene (Jordbærpikene):
403 09 129
Jorgobé |
Ring Kicks (Jorgobé):
33 22 12 24
Send e-post
til Kicks (Jorgobé)
Joseph Joseph |
Ring Christiania Glasmagasin (Joseph Joseph):
922 69 430
Ring Kitch'n (Joseph Joseph):
51 96 01 75
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til Kitch'n (Joseph Joseph)
Jotun |
Ring Jernia (Jotun):
Ring Obs (Jotun):
51 96 37 00
Send e-post
til Obs (Jotun)
Jotunheim |
Ring Anton Sport (Jotunheim):
51 21 20 80
Joy by Thune |
Ring Thune (Joy by Thune):
Joya |
Ring Skoringen (Joya):
21 07 90 10
Juicy Couture |
Ring Kicks (Juicy Couture):
33 22 12 24
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til Kicks (Juicy Couture)
Julie Sandlau |
Ring Thune (Julie Sandlau):
Julius |
Ring Brilleland (Julius):
51 96 02 02
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til Brilleland (Julius)
Juna |
Ring Brødrene Pedersen (Juna):
Ring Kitch'n (Juna):
51 96 01 75
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til Kitch'n (Juna)
Ring Tilbords (Juna):
919 23 093
Junkyard |
Ring Junkyard (Junkyard ):
Just stationary |
Ring Normal (Just stationary):
408 10 206
Juvena |
Ring Fredrik & Louisa (Juvena):
51 22 18 50
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til Fredrik & Louisa (Juvena)
Juwel |
Ring Pets (Juwel):
905 90 479
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til Pets (Juwel)